Community Urges Thorough Investigation into PTPN IV Nusantara Bah Butong Allegations —
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Community Urges Thorough Investigation into PTPN IV Nusantara Bah Butong Allegations

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2025 - 03:26 WIB

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Simalungun PosKota Net





In the tranquil Kecamatan Sidamanik, the local community has raised serious concerns regarding potential irregularities at PTPN IV Nusantara Bah Butong. Residents have called upon the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation, suspecting collusion in the management practices of the plantation.


The primary issue seems to revolve around the absence of managerial oversight within the organization. It has come to light that while postal workers are present daily, the manager of PTPN IV Nusantara Bah Butong is reportedly rarely, if ever, seen at the office. This anomaly has led many to question whether proper protocols and operations are being adhered to and has sparked rumors of possible misconduct.


The community’s plea for accountability highlights a growing frustration with the perceived lack of transparency in the plantation’s operations. Many locals feel that a thorough inquiry by the relevant authorities—particularly the Agricultural Office (ApH)—is essential to ensure that the rights and interests of the community are protected.


Residents argue that the absence of the manager raises concerns about effective leadership and oversight, leading to fears of mismanagement or unethical practices. As such, they are urging investigations to uncover any potential wrongdoing, ensuring that PTPN IV Nusantara Bah Butong operates within the bounds of the law and serves the welfare of the community it resides in.


As this situation unfolds, the eyes of the community remain fixed on the response from the authorities. They hope for a swift and comprehensive investigation that not only addresses their concerns but also reinforces the importance of integrity in agricultural management. The residents of Kecamatan Sidamanik stand united, advocating for accountability and ethical practices in their local industries.



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